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Next Power Electronics Logo

electrical engineer



1 day ago


Next Power Electronics

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Unknown / Non-Applicable

Job Description

* Work Term: Permanent * Work Language: English * Hours: 40 hours per week * Education: Bachelor's degree * Experience: 7 months to less than 1 year TASKS * Conduct feasibility, design operation and performance research of electrical generation and distribution networks * Supervise technicians, technologists, programmers, analysts and other engineers * Prepare material cost and timing estimates, reports and design specifications * Design electrical and electronic components, systems and equipment * Supervise and inspect the installation and operation of electrical and electronic systems and equipment * Develop maintenance and operating standards for electrical and electronic systems and equipment * Prepare contract documents and evaluate tenders for construction or maintenance * Conduct micro or nanodevices simulations, characterization, process modeling and integration in the development of new electronic devices and products * Commission systems and components * Set up and operate specialized and standard test equipment to diagnose, test and analyze the performance of electrical and electronic components, assemblies and systems CERTIFICATES, LICENCES, MEMBERSHIPS, AND COURSES * Eligible for registration as a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) by a provincial or territorial association SECURITY AND SAFETY * Basic security clearance PERSONAL SUITABILITY * Accurate * Client focus * Efficient interpersonal skills * Excellent oral communication * Excellent written communication * Team player * Flexibility SUPPORT FOR NEWCOMERS AND REFUGEES * Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports newcomers and/or refugees * Recruits newcomers and/or refugees who were displaced by a conflict or a natural disaster (for example: Ukraine, Afghanistan, etc.) * Provides diversity and cross-cultural trainings to create a welcoming work environment for newcomers and/or refugees SUPPORT FOR YOUTHS * Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports youth employment SUPPORT FOR VETERANS * Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports Veterans SUPPORT FOR INDIGENOUS PEOPLE * Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports Indigenous people * Offers mentorship, coaching and/or networking opportunities for Indigenous workers * Develops and maintains relationships with indigenous communities, indigenous-owned businesses and organizations * Provides cultural competency training and/or awareness training to all employees to create a welcoming work environment for Indigenous workers * Facilitates access to Elders who can offer support and guidance to Indigenous workers SUPPORT FOR MATURE WORKERS * Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports mature workers SUPPORTS FOR VISIBLE MINORITIES * Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports members of visible minorities * Applies hiring policies that discourage discrimination against members of visible minorities (for example: anonymizing the hiring process, etc.) * Offers mentorship programs that pair members of visible minorities with experienced employees * Provides diversity and cross-cultural training to create a welcoming work environment for members of visible minorities

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